“There is a life-force within your soul, seek that life. There is a gem in the mountain of your body, seek that mine. O Traveler, if you are in search of that, don’t look outside, look inside yourself and seek that.” ~Rumi So often, clients find their way to me for life coaching because of …...
Spring is upon us! And as nature is welcoming in this time of glorious new beginnings, perhaps you too will be inspired for some fresh starts. The spring season, with buds blooming and birds chirping, invites us toward healthier living. Listen. I’m sure you will hear the calling! Healthy living, to me, includes valuing play …...
“Listen to your inner voicefor it is a deep and powerful source of wisdom, beauty and truth, ever flowing through youLearn to trust it, trust your intuition, and in good time, answers to all you seek to know will come, and the path will open before you.” ~ Caroline Joy Adams Intuition exists as a …...
Have you ever considered how relationships offer us endless opportunities to travel extensively, experiencing inner and outer landscapes far beyond what we can even imagine at the onset? Connecting with another human being, regardless of whether they are new to us or known, has one instantly embarking on roads that can be smooth, exciting and …...
“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.” ~Marcel Proust ~Redefining your world is an inside job. The word redefine is a verb which means “to give new definition to” or “to determine the essential quality of.” To redefine one’s world, you must begin by learning to …...
With the holiday season soon upon us, a time of celebration and renewal, why not start it off by celebrating YOU! Honoring the relationship you have with yourself, in 3 key ways, I guarantee will set a festive and profoundly powerful tone for the rest of this special season, and into the new year ahead. …...
During late summer and into the fall of 2017, I was privileged to witness the exquisite light of my father’s indomitable spirit…juxtaposed to his body gradually giving way to death. And oh, how his light shined strong as he journeyed through his final days. Throughout my entire life, I got to observe my beloved father …...
Finding sanctuary has evolved into an essential daily practice for me recently. Historically, the word sanctuary referred to a sacred place, or shrine. Shrines were viewed as havens, so by association, the term sanctuary refers to any place of safety or protection. By extension then, safety and protection can bring one to a deep place …...
“The power is in the relationship!” This is a truth that I frequently find myself sharing with parents of the many adolescents I coach. It is also one that I remind myself of to this day, even though my daughter is soon to be 21 years old. The quality of the relationship we have with …...
“Stories of intimacy are in the details…the nuance of connection, the way fondness translates into a look, a nod, a smile…” ~ S. Freundlich-Hall I love this quote. It reminds me to slow down as I connect with others. Amid the craziness of our hectic lives, how often do we blow past, discount, or fail …...
These early days of spring always awaken in me a calling. Perhaps for you too? In this time of new beginnings, isn’t there often a yearning to bring forth and express all that is inside you? A longing to step into the higher possibility of who you are. I know I feel it. On my …...
With Valentine’s Day soon upon us, I can’t help thinking about how richly meaningful and rewarding appreciating someone can be. Practice the art of appreciating and feel your energy automatically rise. Appreciation is such a simple, yet powerful state to hold…and to offer. Experiencing appreciation for someone, even if for a brief second, can bring …...