With Valentine’s Day soon upon us, I can’t help thinking about how richly meaningful and rewarding appreciating someone can be. Practice the art of appreciating and feel your energy automatically rise. Appreciation is such a simple, yet powerful state to hold…and to offer. Experiencing appreciation for someone, even if for a brief second, can bring forth long-lasting magical impact. Embracing the art of appreciation is deeply significant on so many levels. And the feeling of joy is always an additional exhilarating outcome!
Appreciation is a state you can evoke easily, alone, or with others, at any given moment in time. Appreciation is a process that demands you slow down, become more mindful, and value that which is before you or causing your heart to sing. You can then openly acknowledge what is of meaning, or beauty or what feels especially moving or special. You can magnetically focus caring attention and appreciation anywhere… on the roof over your head, the sweet scent of a flower, the sound of rain on a window, the way your partner’s eyes smile at you, or the gentle, kind greeting of a stranger. The possibilities are endless. The more you practice feeling and communicating appreciation, the higher your energetic vibration rises. Your spirit soars!
Sincerely telling others what you see and appreciate about them can open hearts to experience a greater sense of well-being, comfort, or healing. Never underestimate the incredible gift it is to share appreciation of the qualities or characteristics you see and treasure in another. Connections are strengthened, feelings are uplifted, intimacy enhanced and love spreads. A person who is appreciated is happier and therefore more likely to pass the good will on. Caring energy flows and grows…as appreciation manifests joy!