As I lay on my yoga mat in Savasana, or Corpse Pose, I could hear my yoga instructor, Amanda saying ever so sweetly, over and over again…”Relax, release, renew.” Wow…I thought, this is exactly what I need to hear… and REMEMBER on or off my mat. What a perfect mantra. So many things come at us all day long. Life moves quickly. It is hard to stay relaxed amid all we are expected to attend to. Be it the mundane or the significant, it all twirls together and pushes at you…fast and furious. Yes? Ever feel like your brain can’t take in One. More. Thing? Time to relax. To breathe slowly. And then release. A vessel has to be emptied before it can be filled. How can you release that which does not serve you, that which is bringing you down or cluttering your heart and mind? This is the challenge that this beautiful mantra calls us to take on. And then the joy of renewal can set in. What lightness, or opening will you experience? How will your spirit and soul be renewed? Curious? Go ahead. Give it a try. I know I will.